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时间:2021-03-06 11:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
人生不是一场物质的盛宴,生命是一场灵魂的修炼。life is not a matter of the feast,life is cultivation 为人类发展谋福祉,让世界变得更美好。 the well being for human development, make the world a better



人生不是一场物质的盛宴,生命是一场灵魂的修炼。life is not a matter of the feast,life is cultivation

为人类发展谋福祉,让世界变得更美好。 the well being for human development, make the world
a better place.
生活是不公平的,你要去适应它,life is not fair,you have to get used to it.
这个世界并不会在意你的自尊,the world wont careabout your selfesteem.
而是要求你在自我感觉良好之前,but the requirements before you feel good about yourself.
先有所成就,the first achievement before.
善待你所厌恶的人,theat your aversion to the people.
因为说不定哪一天, because one day maybe.
你就会为这样的人工作。you will work for such a person.
绝好的机会,a goot chance.
隐藏在极其平凡的情景中,hidden in the very ordinary scene.
然而,只有拥有强烈目标的人,howewer only have strong target man.
才能看得见它。you can see it.
只有怀着这样,only with this.
就足够了的知足之心enough of contentment.
人才能感到幸福。people can feel happy.
只有这样,我们才能够由衷地,only inthis way can we sincerely.
感谢自己正活着。thank one is alive.
没有任何通往成功的捷径。does not leat to any shortcut to success.
保持热情,keep the passion.
坚持一丝不苟,insist to strict in one demands.
脚踏实地的努力。to stant on solid ground.
这种无比愚钝的方法,this method very dull.
正是通往成功的正道。lt is the path to success.
只要你一直在行走,as long as you keep on walking.
你就会看到更多更美的风景. you will see more beautiful scenery.
所有的弯路和目标,aii detours and target.
都有它存在的意义。have it the meaning of existence.
如果没有过去的那些坎坷,if do not have those past frustrations.
就不会有今天的心态和能力。there would be no today attiude and ability.
已经结缘的珍惜,has become attached to cherish.
正在结缘的珍意,jane is involved.
即将结缘的珍契。will soon become attached to zhenqi.
向前走,哪怕你看不见光亮,go ahead even if you cant see the light.
哪怕你不知道方向,even if you dont know the direction.
只要你不停下来,as long as you do not stop.
总会走到曙光来临, always go to down.
走向光芒万丈。to casts a thousand beams.
学识的渊博不是为了征服别人 the learned not to conquer the others
而是看清自己的渺小 but to see his own smallness
財富的丰厚不是为了炫耀奢华 wealth of the rich is not to showoff costly
而是增加扬善担当 but increase the bear to reward good 
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